Schedule of events:
- Event doors: 9:00 a.m.
- Ex-Hall Doors: 11:00 a.m.
Prohibited Items
- No Bags, backpacks, or brief cases except for:
1. Clutch/Purse no larger than 5"x 7"
2. Medical Bag
3. Diaper Bag (with child in attendance) - Cameras with interchangeable/detachable lens or external flash (No Professional Photography)
- Audio/Visual Recording Devices (includes GoPro, Google Glass, Spectacles, etc.)
- Selfie Sticks, Tripods, Monopods
- Outside Food, Beverage, or Alcohol
- Cans, Metal/Glass/Plastic Containers, Bottles, or Flasks (empty or sealed bottles included)
- Laptops, Tablets, Personal Computers, or Two-Way Radios
- Weapons, Firearms, Pepper Spray, Pocket Knives or Mace
- Illegal Drugs or Substances
- Flammable Liquids, Aerosol Cans, or Permanent Markers
- Flashlights, Laser Pointers, Flares, or Fireworks
- Noise Making Devices (i.e. Air Horns, whistles, bells, vuvuzelas, etc.)
- Balloons, Balls, Projectiles, or Optical Illusions
- Skateboards, Segways, Scooters, Rollerblades, Bicycles, Hover boards, and Helmets
- Coolers, Ice Chests, Folding Chairs, or Pointed-Tip Umbrellas
- Flowers (unless otherwise permitted by Tour Production)
- Seat Cushions or Booster Seats
- Patrons Without Shoes or Shirt
- Masks, Chains, or Studded Belts/Bracelets
- Drones (without prior written consent from MassMutual Center Management)
- Animals or Pets (accommodations made for trained, harnessed, and housebroken service animals)
- Unapproved Pamphlets, Handouts, Ads, or Flyers without prior consent from Arena Management
- Clothing, garments, or signs displaying explicit language, profanity, or derogatory characterization toward any person(s)
- Signs, Flags, or Banners exceeding 11” x 17” or attached to a pole/stick. Signs must be relevant to event. Signs may not contain or display obscene or offensive language and/or pictures as determined by MassMutual Center Management. Management reserves the right to prohibit or remove a sign or banner at any time.
***Parking Advisory***